i luv thursday. coz ive got no class on friday til sunday. amazing aite? i dun have to wake up early. hoho. well last night i send short text message to someone. yeah someone that i used to call him 'my baby' haha is it? just hoping he doing fine.
hah arini kan pegi kelas parking full? duh! i have to walk jauhhhhh dari faculty. omg. peluh2 i sampai kelas. dah la aircond dalam kelas tu rosak dari memula start kelas. but as usual after class , classmates and i went for lepaking having our lunch together. by the way tadi one of my classmate kata dia jumpe Anuar Zain kat secret recipe. i asked her to give her handphone to this my damn favorite singer. but the singer kata malu nak cakap sebab flu! haaaa damn jealous kat sheila dapat jumpa my favorite singer. and sheila kata he say hi to me. omg! hi to u too! i luv anuar zain very much. hello anyone out there kalau knew anuar zain please do introduce him to me *winks*
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Pirates of the Carribean 3
i went for a movie with leely this evening. we went for pirates of the carribean. to be honest i totally forgot what is all about in the part 1 and 2 of the film. totally cant remember except for the davy jones which is the sotong one. hehe. it was fun to pay rm10 for the movie and i really enjoyed my day. actually unplanned activity for leely and me. we just replacing leely's fren booked. we got a nice seat. 3 from the back. quite good aite compared to other people 1st row from the screen? but im a bit annoyed by 2 guys behind me when one of them trying to be a film comentator and trying to explain the other guy what happen, why dis, why dat. kalau ikut hati mahu je i sound but hey kalau i buat cam tu, i pun making noise kan? one thing yang tak pernah berubah dalam panggung wayang is handphone. come on la, people make money by doing advertisement, people spend money as a reminder to keep your mobile phone in silent mode. everybody knew dat. but it usually happen when ure really in the mood when the plot of the story is getting exciting then eventually someone mobile phone rang. omg. i thought it was in the movie. im about to throw something on him. dah la berbunyi, agaknya maximum volume kot. but overall i luv this film. orlando bloom, kiera knightley, johny depp as usual act like so damn natural. funny elements always in jack sparrow. and finally, william married to elizabeth but too bad elizabeth have to wait another 10years. wanna know why? go and see it urself!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
bad news or good news?
i just went back from class just now. took my lunch wif leely, jery and jaa. well they are funny. i wont stop laughing with them. at least i have a bunch of people that makes me happy everyday. well i went to wash my car. its been 3 months i didnt wash my car. omg im totally lazy to bring that tiny car to that place. and im too lazy to wash by my own. but today, i gagahkan juga mata ni singgah basuh kereta. yey! the result is my car is shining back. hahaha thanks to the washman. hehehe
hah something happen in class just now. the lecturer recognize me! OMG! 3 times he called my name and asked whats so funny back there that made us laugh hahaha. silly que. i wont tell him anyway. he started to remember afzan's name. jaa's name. well im not sure whether its a bad thing or a good thing. but i guess i cant simply turn my head to afzan and talk with her after dis. coz the lecturer will call our name hahaha. almost forgotten, i had my 3rd quiz today. 3rd quiz within 2 weeks lecture. isnt it interesting? hahaha rasa nak jerit je kat dat sir tu and tell him IM NOT READY! but at the end i did my quiz by guessing the que. hahaha hope it will be fine. hey do u think when the lecturer knew ur name is a good thing?
i just went back from class just now. took my lunch wif leely, jery and jaa. well they are funny. i wont stop laughing with them. at least i have a bunch of people that makes me happy everyday. well i went to wash my car. its been 3 months i didnt wash my car. omg im totally lazy to bring that tiny car to that place. and im too lazy to wash by my own. but today, i gagahkan juga mata ni singgah basuh kereta. yey! the result is my car is shining back. hahaha thanks to the washman. hehehe
hah something happen in class just now. the lecturer recognize me! OMG! 3 times he called my name and asked whats so funny back there that made us laugh hahaha. silly que. i wont tell him anyway. he started to remember afzan's name. jaa's name. well im not sure whether its a bad thing or a good thing. but i guess i cant simply turn my head to afzan and talk with her after dis. coz the lecturer will call our name hahaha. almost forgotten, i had my 3rd quiz today. 3rd quiz within 2 weeks lecture. isnt it interesting? hahaha rasa nak jerit je kat dat sir tu and tell him IM NOT READY! but at the end i did my quiz by guessing the que. hahaha hope it will be fine. hey do u think when the lecturer knew ur name is a good thing?
Monday, May 28, 2007
i just went back from my daily class. well today my anger was quite beyond of my control. the lecturer gave us assignments last thursday and we have to submit this morning. after submitting, he asked do we have diffculties in doing the assignments. so i pick up my hand and say yes. i really have some difficulties. ye la mana tak ada masalah, dia ajar bab theoritical part je. mathematical part dia belum ajar lagi. so when i asked him question or my curiosity about the question, he simply replied if i couldnt understand the question thats mean i dont read the text book. hell no! ive the book 5 times and no such things example like the questions. so he asked me to read again and i noticed that stil no such things what he wanted me to find out. so he asked me to search for word DISCARDED in the chapter given. after reading 7th times stil i have no answer then he came to one of my classmate and read our text book. and what was the silly part is he is using the old edition of the text book. we are now using 9th edition and he stil using the 5th edition. so then he realized that he didnt do not even one exercise with us. haaa. at that time i can only think how good if i can laugh at him! and tell him dat we didnt came to class to playing around. even we did sumtime *winks* im a bit angry with him. the subject should be more interesting coz there are more mathematical part than the theory part. i luv calculation. but he did it as the whole subject was theoritically. menyesal btol tukar kelas. i ingat nak ikut kawan2 in the same class. sekali lecturer nya membosankan to DA MAX! OMG help me pls!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Karisma Cinta - Gerhana Ska Cinta
cinta kini kau datang jua
melanda dua insan
dirimu diriku
cinta sungguh indah ceritamu
dunia serasa hampa
bila kau tiada
hati hati cinta juga bisa membawa duka
batas lingkaran yang selalu bisa membawa sukar
demi dikau.. yang ku sayang
demi kasih.. yang ku damba selalu
tiada seindah kasih sayang
cinta suci lagu syahdu merdu
tiada seindah karismanya
pabila kau tahu
cinta itu suci
hati hati cinta juga bisa membawa duka
batas lingkaran yang selalu bisa membawa sukar
demi dikau.. yang ku sayang
demi kasih.. yang ku damba selalu
demi..dikau..yang ku..sayang
demi kasih..yang ku damba selalu
p/s i luv this song. everytime i heard this song, i'll sang together. *winks*
melanda dua insan
dirimu diriku
cinta sungguh indah ceritamu
dunia serasa hampa
bila kau tiada
hati hati cinta juga bisa membawa duka
batas lingkaran yang selalu bisa membawa sukar
demi dikau.. yang ku sayang
demi kasih.. yang ku damba selalu
tiada seindah kasih sayang
cinta suci lagu syahdu merdu
tiada seindah karismanya
pabila kau tahu
cinta itu suci
hati hati cinta juga bisa membawa duka
batas lingkaran yang selalu bisa membawa sukar
demi dikau.. yang ku sayang
demi kasih.. yang ku damba selalu
demi..dikau..yang ku..sayang
demi kasih..yang ku damba selalu
p/s i luv this song. everytime i heard this song, i'll sang together. *winks*
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
today's activities
hello blog.
mari blogging bersama ciknazla. well its been 2 days i started my short semester in uitm shah alam. im taking quantitative analysis (QMT) in advance. so i will be able to take less subject for next semester. my lecturer is mohd azham. i dunno where is he from. coz he told class let it be his secret. but one thing forsure hes not uitm lecturer. bored + sleepy within his class. for 2 and half hour class without break or jokes makes me feel bored. siyesly hello sir pls make something interesting to us. then today i got a pop quiz from him. oh my gosh 5 questions and i cant even answer one question. silly me. not paying attention. coz im very sleepy eventhough i manage to sleep for 8 hours last night. hehehe.
anyway, after class ended, i went to jaya jusco for movie wit leely and sarip. we went for Sumolah by Afdlin Shauki. well all i have to say i had fun wit this story. funny + straight forward story. taught us to proud being malaysian. and automatically i have learned some basic about sumo sport which orignally from Japan. and i really luv a phrase by Afdlin himself which is 'Jantan rempit paling agong kembali lagi' hahaha really classic + catchy. overall i had fun since im so down yesterday. and im back. nazla wont give up coz nazla beliefs that life is a dream to be realized and i can do better than this!
mari blogging bersama ciknazla. well its been 2 days i started my short semester in uitm shah alam. im taking quantitative analysis (QMT) in advance. so i will be able to take less subject for next semester. my lecturer is mohd azham. i dunno where is he from. coz he told class let it be his secret. but one thing forsure hes not uitm lecturer. bored + sleepy within his class. for 2 and half hour class without break or jokes makes me feel bored. siyesly hello sir pls make something interesting to us. then today i got a pop quiz from him. oh my gosh 5 questions and i cant even answer one question. silly me. not paying attention. coz im very sleepy eventhough i manage to sleep for 8 hours last night. hehehe.
anyway, after class ended, i went to jaya jusco for movie wit leely and sarip. we went for Sumolah by Afdlin Shauki. well all i have to say i had fun wit this story. funny + straight forward story. taught us to proud being malaysian. and automatically i have learned some basic about sumo sport which orignally from Japan. and i really luv a phrase by Afdlin himself which is 'Jantan rempit paling agong kembali lagi' hahaha really classic + catchy. overall i had fun since im so down yesterday. and im back. nazla wont give up coz nazla beliefs that life is a dream to be realized and i can do better than this!
Monday, May 21, 2007
what ive done?
i feel bad. seriously. i feel bad to myself. i am a bad person.i knew one guy couples of weeks. i knew he got a gf. he had told me before.we will sms and chat every night until one day we started to change the environment.i mean we started to sms and chat a bit naughty, a bit daring, a bit cheeky. i knew the risk im taken and i knew what gonna happen at the end of the 'frenship'
but i buat bodo je wit that issues. i thought everything gonna be fine. but nowadays i realized how cheap am i, yeah i mean how come i jadi begini. curious.i do deserve better than this. am i some kind of slut? i did something wrong. not only to that guy, the gf but to myself too. i forgot to appreciate myself. i let that thing happen and at the end when i see me in front of the mirror i will keep thinking 'shame on u naz'. malu sangat pada diri sendiri. priceless me. i need to stop that 'frenship' coz im not like dat. im ok wif my life, i got family, frens and lives. yeah a good lives even sumtime i feel alone without a bf. what ive done before this is a mistake. i need to learn from the mistake. furthermore im not in luv wit that guy either. poor little naz. hoping someone who will give her attention until forget to appreciate her own life.
i deserve better. trust me.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Kembali Bersama - Kaer
Saat Pertemuan Itu
Menghadirkan Keindahan
Menafikan Hakikat Sebuah Perpisahan
Dengan Senyuman Manis Bertamu
Bicara Kau Pun Terganggu
Renunganmu Dipaut Pohon Nan Kerinduan
Yang Dulu
Mengapa Harus Resah Tika Bertemu
Sedangkan Dulu Kau Tetap Pilihanku
Seperti Mimpi Dirimu Muncul Kini
Namun Segalanya TersuratBuat Kita
Tetap Bersama Oh Oh
Sejak Tidak Melihatmu
Hidupku Serba Keliru
Hadapanku Hanya Wujud Dalam Bayangan
Oh Bila Senyuman Manis Bertamu
Bicara Kau Pun Terganggu
Renunganmu Dipaut Pohon Nan Kerinduan
Yang Dulu
Mengapa Harus Resah Tika Bertemu
Sedangkan Dulu Kau Tetap Pilihanku
Seperti Mimpi Dirimu Muncul Kini
Namun Segalanya Tersurat
Buat Kita Tetap Bersama
Sekiranya Dulu Kau Masih Disampingku
Impian Kasih BerbungaBertakhta Dihatiku
Ku Harapkan Kau Kembali Bersama Diriku
Tak Ku Duga Kau Menjelmakan Diri
Kasih…… Kasih…… Oh Oh Oh
Seperti Mimpi Dirimu Muncul Kini
Namun Segalanya TersuratBuat Kita Tetap Bersama
Segalanya Tersurat Buat KitaTetap Bersama…
p/s i luv this song. never bored
Menghadirkan Keindahan
Menafikan Hakikat Sebuah Perpisahan
Dengan Senyuman Manis Bertamu
Bicara Kau Pun Terganggu
Renunganmu Dipaut Pohon Nan Kerinduan
Yang Dulu
Mengapa Harus Resah Tika Bertemu
Sedangkan Dulu Kau Tetap Pilihanku
Seperti Mimpi Dirimu Muncul Kini
Namun Segalanya TersuratBuat Kita
Tetap Bersama Oh Oh
Sejak Tidak Melihatmu
Hidupku Serba Keliru
Hadapanku Hanya Wujud Dalam Bayangan
Oh Bila Senyuman Manis Bertamu
Bicara Kau Pun Terganggu
Renunganmu Dipaut Pohon Nan Kerinduan
Yang Dulu
Mengapa Harus Resah Tika Bertemu
Sedangkan Dulu Kau Tetap Pilihanku
Seperti Mimpi Dirimu Muncul Kini
Namun Segalanya Tersurat
Buat Kita Tetap Bersama
Sekiranya Dulu Kau Masih Disampingku
Impian Kasih BerbungaBertakhta Dihatiku
Ku Harapkan Kau Kembali Bersama Diriku
Tak Ku Duga Kau Menjelmakan Diri
Kasih…… Kasih…… Oh Oh Oh
Seperti Mimpi Dirimu Muncul Kini
Namun Segalanya TersuratBuat Kita Tetap Bersama
Segalanya Tersurat Buat KitaTetap Bersama…
p/s i luv this song. never bored
Saturday, May 19, 2007
saturday afternoon
hey blog.
last thursday i went to genting highland wif couple of friends by bus. then get up there by skyway cable car. the temperature not so cold as we thought haha. hot. just imagine how klang after raining. not so cold. we went to the outdoor park, play some games, ride the train, boat hehe all the silly and simple activities to relax our mind. around 1pm it was raining and we decided to have our lunch at kenny rogers. that was the first time ever i saw sarip eat a lot of foods. a bit shock and a bit worried. what happen to her. *winks* then we continue our activities laughing, joking, teasing each other. it was fun. its been a long time we never have so much fun together. we took pictures. i mean a lot of pictures. i have a great day by the way. to leely, sarip, sidah, alan here some note, i luv you guys. you rock my world! and by the way, im posting this blog after 2 days visiting genting because im too tired for typing words. im so damn lazy woman. but im cute. hahaha
p/s hey sean. keep blogging ya
last thursday i went to genting highland wif couple of friends by bus. then get up there by skyway cable car. the temperature not so cold as we thought haha. hot. just imagine how klang after raining. not so cold. we went to the outdoor park, play some games, ride the train, boat hehe all the silly and simple activities to relax our mind. around 1pm it was raining and we decided to have our lunch at kenny rogers. that was the first time ever i saw sarip eat a lot of foods. a bit shock and a bit worried. what happen to her. *winks* then we continue our activities laughing, joking, teasing each other. it was fun. its been a long time we never have so much fun together. we took pictures. i mean a lot of pictures. i have a great day by the way. to leely, sarip, sidah, alan here some note, i luv you guys. you rock my world! and by the way, im posting this blog after 2 days visiting genting because im too tired for typing words. im so damn lazy woman. but im cute. hahaha
p/s hey sean. keep blogging ya
Friday, May 11, 2007
well semalam ade gath lagik. i mean not a gath. jom jumpe session i think. skada jumpe makan2 minum2, kuar kan cite ape patot, lawak, tuka pendapat. so bukan gath kot? ramai gak org baru. tak kenal pun muke. yg hensem, yg vogue, yg chubby, yg kiut, yg poyo mcm bagos pun ade. hahaha lantak la kan. at least kite kenal la sape org tu. tapi smalam mcm tak berapa seronok. ntah naz yg pk cmtu atau ape. tp mcm diketepikan je.mcm sume ade kwn2, naz termangu je. been ignored. ooops!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
yey at last! im done with my final exams.
even my last paper was damn hard. just pray to Allah. i'll be fine. insya allah.
so i decided a few days ago, bile dah abes exam, nak tido sepuasnya.
ye la im struggling for last 3 papers. tp sadly takleh nak tido lak. hampeh.
but anyway im freee!!! rite now im waiting for my friends. diorang balik je,
teros p bersuke ria. i dun care!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Accepting myself
hello readers. are there any readers? ahaha nvm just pretend there are sum readers hehe
last few days, i noticed a friend of mine, or maybe i just can use the word younger sister in thn crew webnet, Hazlina_Hanim engaged! wow isnt it a surprise?? but i do think back. she have changed herself i guess. she deserves what she have rite now. as far i knew her, from tidak bertudung type jadi bertudung type, perhaps i bole kata she are more matured than myself. she really is. so dia engaged wif her beloved of course. so she gonna be a wife soon. hehe congratz anyway to her. but one think forsure i realize, hey she is younger than me. and she engagaged. and me? still finding myself? or i didnt even know the real me actually. what am i looking for in lives. goals, missions, aims, desires bla bla all those words which i cant define. even im taking personal development class now haha. and i do still remember what afzan told me. there must be sumone for me, but rite now i just cant see it. oh gosh if i ever have a power, let me see for a while pls?hahaha im not tired being alone coz im not alone in this world. but i do feel alone sumtimes. emptiness. deep inside my heart. empty space.
but sumtimes i realized fast. i keep saying all those positive motivation inside my head. accepting myself unconditionally, rewarding myself when credit is due, and the most important thing is no need luv for hurting myself. i do not want that luv typo. so i guess i just wait and see.
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